Contract Administration
YOU won a government contract. Now the hard part begins.
Step One, Administrating the contract and interfacing with a large bureaucracy. We can assist you from the start with administering your contract or assist in administering the contract if specific issues arise. The government includes many Terms and Conditions (on average over 150 Clauses) in their contracts, besides the delivery of a product or completion of the service, which you as a government contractor must abide by.
We can ensure that you are aware of what is required, and advise what reports are due and when. We can help in Past Performance Evaluation issues, and other potential disputes that may arise during performance of a contract. Winning is just the first step, we work to ensure you retain the contract through any option periods and follow on re-competitions.
Step Two, Revenue: You’ve done the work, now where’s your money. The first thing to prepare for when working on a government contract, is not getting paid on time at the beginning. Many times, contractors do not follow the specific billing instructions, and their invoice are rejected, and they aren’t even aware. We can assist in getting invoices approved and paid.
Many companies have a disconnect between their accounts receivable department and their contracts administration department resulting in invoices being unpaid or paid in lengthy arrears, we can assist in fixing
that communication problem. We can help you get your money.