What Is a Corrective Action Request (CAR)?
Are you trying to work out exactly what a Corrective Action Request is?
This is a question that many suppliers to the Department of Defense have. If you want to keep your contract and continue getting more contracts, it’s vital that you get your head around what a Corrective Action Request is.
So, in this article, we will walk you through exactly what one is and what you need to do if you receive one.
What Is a Corrective Action Request?
A Corrective Action Request is a formal notification sent from the Supplier Quality Management to a supplier. The notification asks the supplier to provide cause and remedy for a nonconformity found within a product, process, or service. It is a formal procedure laid out by the Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA).
What it means is that an issue has been found during a quality assurance process, and it needs to be fixed.
A Corrective Action Request does not necessarily mean that there is a big problem. One of the main reasons for the formality is so that the Defense Department can keep good records for future auditing and accountability.
However, it is crucial you act appropriately to avoid a failed contract. There are four different levels of significance.
Level 1
A Level 1 Corrective Action Request is the most straightforward. It means that there is a small issue of non-compliance that can be immediately rectified with no further action required.
Level 2
A Level 2 request is issued when the problem cannot be fixed immediately. This type of Corrective Action Request needs to be resolved at the level of supplier management.
Level 3
This is a more significant corrective action request that may result in a negative remedy. At Level 3, reduced payment or denial of access to business systems may be suggested.
Level 4
A Level 4 Corrective Action Request is provided when a Level 3 request has not resolved the situation. The Defense Department may now suggest that progress payments will be stopped or that products or services may no longer be accepted.
Get Your Corrective Action Right the First Time
A Corrective Action Request does not need to mean that your contract will be canceled or that you won’t receive any contracts in the future. But it is essential that you respond to the request correctly to avoid an unfavorable outcome.
DASG has a wealth of experience in assisting with Corrective Action Requests. We can help bring you together with the DCMA to find a quick and lasting resolution. We can also help you ensure that you have the right procedures in place to avoid receiving any further Corrective Action Requests once you reach a resolution.
If you want to keep up your good relationship with the Department of Defense, or if you need to repair your relationship, you should get in touch with us. We will provide you with the expertise and hands-on assistance you need to reach an optimal result.
So, what are you waiting for? Get in contact with us to organize an appointment with an expert today!